We’re moving to a new self-hosted site, with the same domain. Please check it out.

Writeforacause is officially active with a new and refreshing look!

New posts and articles are not hosted here any longer, we’re moving on to a new hosting site but with the same domain. Please come and check us out at: http://writeforacause.org — surely, you’ll do as a favor. Also to my previous followers in this blog, you can follow us again via Jetpack Email Subscription as shown at the bottom of http://writeforacause.org site. Please come and check the new site! Thanks!!

IMPORTANT: Some may not be able to see the new site, if that happens, just please wait and come back soon, because that means the DNS propagation is still on-going. It takes at least 48 hours to completely redirect the domain to my new Writeforacause.Org website. In case the domain does not redirect you to the new site, please CLEAR or empty your cache in your computer, then reload the page after. Thanks!

The old look of WFC was not bad or anything. However, because the website is currently receiving more likes, views, email subscriptions, readers and follows, (more twitter followers than facebook actually, since I don’t share a lot via facebook) I realized that I needed to come up with a new design for the website–one that is for WriteForACause and not just a common theme. Here are some facts, questions, and credits more possibly, contributing to WFC’s upgrade. But before that, I want to give all the thanks and glory and honor to the God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Israel, to whom all my honor is due to Him.

HAPPY FACTS: I wanted to create a new design for Writeforacause, one that is refreshing and is pleasing to the eyes. I wanted to self-host this site to a hosting site other than WordPress, wherein I can manipulate the codes and everything without limitation.

SAD FACTS: Considering all the cost for the guided transfer, hosting plan, and purchasing new theme, there is no way I can achieve my happy facts. I can only afford the domain purchases, not any more upgrades.

So why did I have to recreate the site’s look? Is it really necessary?

It is not necessary to modify the site’s theme. What’s more important is the content and the message of the writer(s). But since opportunity arises, I do believe that God has orchestrated everything in order.

God’s Perfect Timing #1: I was a part-time webmaster of a client named Coach Gary Micheloni, America’s project manager since February this year. However, I have been idle for two months or more I think. Meaning, I didn’t have any more works from him since the last time I completed some task. But last week, I received an email from him bearing the good news that I’m back to work–again? Yeah, again. I was kind of happy since I didn’t have to work facing codes and computers, but with my client’s comeback it also means I’m coming back to work. So come to think of it, I can exercise my IT skills again and at the same time I’ll get paid and the little salary I gain is just enough to survive the internet bills, or…at least. Because I’m back to work then I can further invest for my future writing career.

God’s Perfect Timing #2: Getting back to work means getting in touch with my client via emails. While completing the recent task at hand, God reminded me about upgrading this site. Upgrading, I mean, getting a better place (hosting site) for WFC. If I self-host this site to a hosting plan, then it will be easy for me to create and modify the website’s look without paying a professional webmaster. Because, well, why would I pay a webmaster when I myself is a webmaster? The only thing about my work is that I don’t own anything, all the accounts I manage, including the reseller account in Hostgator, are my client’s property. I’m only managing his accounts.  This is a webmaster thingy, so I think not all can understand this matter. In short, though I’m a webmaster I don’t have the fund to purchase upgrades and hosting plan.  I believe God has reminded me about the hosting plan, because when He reminded me about it, I realized one thing I have not realized before: I have a client who owns a reseller account in a hosting site! This means that I can actually email my client and ask to avail his hosting account and just deduct the cost from my little salary. Why not?


6 thoughts on “We’re moving to a new self-hosted site, with the same domain. Please check it out.

    1. WriteForACause Post author

      Thanks Ms Rebecca! Just curious, when you type writeforacause.org in your browser, does it redirect you to my new site or does it redirect you HERE? Just to confirm whether the propagation already works. THanks!



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